Pingthem πŸ“

Send Custom Push Notifications to Millions of Subscribers in One Go

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How does this work?

You get a Pingthem profile that you can share, to which your fans can subscribe, to get Push Notifications directly from you.

Why do I need this?

Planning a new NFT drop? A blogpost you wanna quickly share?

With Pingthem you can quickly send all your subscribers a custom Clickable Link Push Notification with any image, title and description!

Why Push Notifications?

On an average, more than 4.06% of subscribers click push notifications.
That’s 2x more effective than emails.

Push Notifications are way more easier and hassle-free to subscribe to, if compared to traditional mechanisms like email.

This does not replace email, but serves as an additional channel to reach wider audience in a quicker way.

Must know!

Push Notifications can reach all Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux devices via Web Push Notification Protocol.

iOS currently does not support Web Push Notifications. Though, an iOS app can remedy this issue. Count on Apple adding Web Push support to iOS Safari next year!